I am Ian Ongsansoy, a digital media designer and web developer from Winnipeg, MB, Canada. I build and design websites, create visual media, and design and develop user experience and interfaces. You can view my work at http://truffledesign.net. I am Ian Ongsansoy, a digital media designer,illustrator and web developer from Winnipeg, MB, Canada.I build and design websites, create visual media(prety pictures), and design and develop user experience and interfaces.I am a graduate of Red River College's Digital Media Design
program majoring in Web Development and keep up to date on current web
design trends and best practices with current training in responsive
web design, SASS, HTML5, CSS3, jQuery, Javascript and WordPress.Illustration is also a passion of mine. I am a highly detail-oriented artist with focus on fantasy, cartoon, portrait, matte painting, poster art and character design.