Texas Reference Marker System Users Manual
Texas Highway Designation Files
The Editing Empress websie
http://wwwl.TheEditingEmpress.com My “hidden” talent showed up strongly in 8th grade, when Ricky, the guy who sat in the desk in front of me, always turned around and asked me to explain or help him with his grammar. Ricky went on to become our senior class president.
I always have difficulty reading anything because any misspellings or grammatical errors virtually LEAP off the page or screen at me.
In every job I have had since 1977, my major job functions always included proofreading, copyediting, and rewriting, from online manuals (http://onlinemanuals.txdot.gov/txdotmanuals/trm/index.htm) and history searches (http://www.dot.state.tx.us/tpp/search/query.htm) to legal documents and websites.