Developing a website, software or mobile app including games is not a success Whereas user’s impression and flawless working meeting all requirements related to software, website or app is an actual success. Are you facing such a state? Here’s a project management professional to test Quality Assurance and Software Usability of your product. Activities would be performed to check actual results assembling with pre-defined parameters and major timelines to ensure that your work done is FLAWLESS. Any gaps, errors or missing requirements will be identified as well as Functionality, Reliability, Usability, and Efficiency of your product will also be tested. Furthermore, software’s GUI, content quality and level of user-friendship will also be analyzed. Detail of all drawbacks, improving areas and suggestions will be documented and screenshots of major bugs shared with you in a documented form. Browsers Used to Test Websites Devices Used to Test Apps · Mobile apps and games will be tested on Desktop, Android smartphones and iPhone