If you are searching for a Verilog expert then search no more. I have around 5 years of experience in solving Verilog, VHDL, and System Verilog projects.
I have designed a 32 bit MIPS and 32 bits five stages pipelined RISC V processor.
My expertise are in the following:
- Audio codec interfacing.
- Spartan 3E.
- FPGA development using Xilinx.
- HDL synthesis and simulations.
- HDL implementation for I2C, SPI and other protocols.
- Translate C code to HDL logic.
- Intel Quartus logic design and synthesis.
- Finite state machine (FSM) implementation.
- Data storage for FPGA.
- Zynq-7000 boards.
- MIPI interfacing.
- HDMI interfacing.
- Digital logic design using Verilog or VHDL.
I have Software Skills of:
Why you should hire me??
- Delivery on time.
- 24/7 online.
- Provides high quality service.