Hello, I'm an aspiring filmmaker and creative media student who is driven, passionate and motivated to create various types of media to inspire and educate the world around me. I've always wanted to tell stories that I felt connected to personally. To be able to tell the stories, I portray the narrative in visual and audio forms that clearly translate the message to the audience. I first started my journey into media studies in GCSE and gradually chose it for college in the form of Creative Media College. I've been very fortunate enough to grow up in a country where the middle class can have a free education beyond the primary school level and be able to qualify for university or an internship. I hope to use my developed editing skills and new-found directing, script writing, directing and GCSE taught knowledge of the industry into a career path that fits under the title 'Filmmaker'. From the ages of 13-16, I made sure to develop my editing skills through practice and social media sharing, where I accumulated over 200,000 views over various platforms. Such as YouTube, Vine and Instagram. I kept my summer busy with two volunteering jobs in my local town for two charity shops. This experience educated me on the older generations and their lifestyles and stories shared in public. The last job I've done to develop my practice is helping a family friend promote her independent shop "AromasforYou' online. We collaborated on a 3 part advertising campaign series and a promotional video for a recent 'Yankee Candle' brand deal offer. If you wish to employ me, I will fulfil the job with a pro-active, persistent, passionate, motivated attitude and will adapt to any feedback given to ensure a perfect satisfaction to the finishing product at hand.