I am a journalist graduated from the University of Ribeirão Preto, and I have worked in the communication area for over 8 years. I have already worked as a press officer at Botafogo Futebol Clube in Ribeirão Preto, as editor of TV Unaerp (university channel in Ribeirão Preto) and the Municipality of Serrana was responsible for the social communication department. I also have an audiovisual production company and press office, specializing in YouTube channels, podcasts and social networks. We produced a weekly program for TV Thathi (aired in Ribeirão Preto and Region for more than 5 million people) about games. I am a columnist at Rádio Difusora Ribeirão Preto (on the menu program) and presenter of the TV show at Píxel Café on TV Thathi (and on the youtube channel of the same name). Our production company also provides advice and produces videos from the Youtube Channel of the Dicas Group (the largest travel blog in Brazil with more than 3 million monthly hits).