My name is Quincy M. Shields. I am a freelance Digital Artist specializing character modeling. Although, I specialize in Character modeling I have a complete understanding of production and what any project needs based on the time allotted. A big part of my daily activities are drawing, concept drawing, modeling/texturing/rigging, tutorial creation, Sound manipulation and creation, website creation and maintenance through the use of the Adobe CS Suite and Dreamweaver MX.
Shortly after graduation I was asked to return as a teachers assistant where I wrote tutorials and created my own lectures to aid in the education process. I later acquired a position the summer of 2006 where I taught Game Design I, II and Game Modding at Cyber Camps (Giant Campus) were I was asked to return for the summer of 2007. Shortly after I worked on a TV show pilot were my main duties included rigging and the setting up of characters for mocap manipulation.
Any project that deals with the responsibilities o