The main thing in Amazon FBA Wholesale is Product Research. In the event that you track down the right item, then the odds of your disappointment become extremely low. I will chase after an incredible item for yourself and open the brand represent you (for some additional charges)
I generally convey my work on schedule
My Product determination measures:
Predictable deals rank and cost throughout some undefined time frame.
Amazon isn't selling the item and additionally has not sold it.
Your portion of the deals would be no less than 40-50 deals/month.
Reliable deals
Various dealers: At least 3 FBA merchants
Less dimensions of items
Rating would be more than 3.5
No hazardous materials
ungated category
I have all the tools related to FBA Wholesale Product Research
The tools i am using are,
Helium 10
Jungle Scout
Amz Expander
Keepa Pro
Available 24/7