My name is Keegan Lee Petersen I'm a young enthusiastic person looking to take the next step with the social media platforms available to everyone. I am dedicated husband and father of two young boys no older than 6 years in total age. I'm a qualified Aircraft avionics technician who has a passion for building very delicate and powerful systems that require great ability and attention to detail. The duties of an Aircraft technician require your utmost concentration and attention to detail as billions of lives are in your hands. So as I have learnt and still learning about the power of social media, I aim to use my new knowledge to helping businesses achieve new success and assist with building their company through the power of social media. I have also set goals for my own personal social media accounts and will use my knowledge to achieve those goals. If you are not yet with any social media platform, my question to you is what are you waiting for and what do you have to lose. A world of opportunity awaits.