I am new to this... I have done voices for many years to an audiance of one... I can do several celebrity impressions, although "Ahnald" is the one I thing I am best at. My scottish has fooled people who have friends in Scotland, and my Smarmy anouncer is perfect. I can also do every other concievable accent including several double-accents (British english as a second language). I have several great evil character voices, some creepy character voices that women will not allow me to do for very long without getting really creeped out, flamin' gay also has had the same effect on current girlfriends, and gets the "that was TOO good" from the guys.
I have no experience professionally, but I have always been very attentive to how people talk and pronounce things, the syllably stresses and so forth. I am eager to learn more and have some oppertunities to wow anyone who is willing to help me with my efforts. and the best part ladies and gentlmen? I am really really inexpensive (not cheap,