Summary of what you get for standard VPS administration:
👉 VPS managed updates & upgrades (weekly)
✅ OS manually managed updates
✅ OS manually managed LTS upgrades
✅ PHP manually managed upgrades 👉 pre-approved by the client
👉 VPS optimization
✅ SWAP configuration
✅ Post-updates cleanup
👉 VPS backups & snapshots
✅ Cloud provider snapshots configuration 👉 pre-approved by the client
👉 Reports
✅ Simple VPS administration email report (monthly)
❌ PDF simple VPS administration email report (monthly) 👉 ✅ WordPress site care plan required
👉 Customer service
✅ Customer email support
❌ Customer 1:1 support 👉 ✅ 1:1 support add-on required
👉 One-to-one customer support (+ $40)
Extended 1:1 client support through collaborative support services of the client's choice (Slack, Element, Wickr, Mattermost, Wire, ...).