Hi, I am a Vue.js developer for about 2 years. I have experience with Vue 2/3, Nuxt, Quasar. A few of the main tasks I've worked on are:
- Site development by layout ( Figma, Adobe XD, Zeplin )
- Site migration from Drupal 7 to Nuxt ( + Drupal 9, I was not involved in this)
- Generation of forms based on information that comes from the backend ( The customer had a kind of constructor of forms )
- Development of product page where user could add a print ( I used canvas to do it )
- Development of the site with authorization ( login + password or social networks )
- Worked with different maps (OSM, MapBox, Google Maps). Added custom markers on them, etc.
- Developed headless site with Vue/Nuxt/Quasar as frontend and WordPress/Drupal/Strapi as backend
- Worked with Rest API and GraphQL
- Website development using different UI frameworks (Vuetify, Element UI, Vuesax, etc.)
- SEO friendly website development using Nuxt/Quasar
- Desktop applications development using Vue/Quasar (Electron.js)
Also, I can make you an ordinary site on the layout using html 5, js, sass, gulp/webpack