Have you been wanting to learn Sign Language? I can definitely help you with this goal each step of the way. Perhaps you are curious about the language, want to communicate with your baby sooner, looking to communicate with Deaf individuals in your life better, like learning languages, need tutoring for college ASL classes, or curious about the art of signing. I would be happy to map out some goals with you and support you in the process of learning. My background: I am a professional Sign Language Interpreter. I have worked in the field since 2007 and enjoy my work immensely. I have a BA degree in Interpreting from the University of Cincinnati. My experience is vast, from working in K12, video relay, post-secondary, agency, etc. Lastly, if you are interested in learning I am here. Even if you are "considering" taking lessons reach out to me. I am very approachable and will work with all clients. I am patient, understanding, and positive. I believe in education immensely. We are always learning and growing in life. I am willing to meet in public locations for lessons or even Skype, whichever works best for your needs. Reach out to me and let's start learning! -Paul signlanguage2007@gmail.com