Developed Indian Meteorological Department Pilot Balloon HHDL software, Web and android application and Server software to find wind speed and direction, cloud amount, direction and height. Websites: Designed innovative and user friendly user interfaces to allow IMD people to enter pibal input data. Developed algorithms, computer programs and written codes in C# to find raw height of balloon using tail method and fixed ascent rate method, to find smooth heights using linear regression method, to find drift, wind speed and wind direction at 1-min interval, to find wind speed and direction at standard heights and pressure levels, to transmit the file using email and view the processed data and to plot the wind speed and direction vs time graph. Generated test cases and performed unit testing of all modules and system testing for complete project. Maintained documentation and training materials for Pilot Balloon web and android application, HHDL and Server software. Developed Pilot Balloon Tracking windows App to track Balloon trajectory on Bing map in real time. Designed innovative and user friendly user interfaces to load the file containing latitudes and longitudes of the balloon and track the balloon trajectory. Developed algorithms, computer programs and written codes in C# to load the latitude-longitude file and to track the balloon trajectory on map in real time. Generated test cases and performed unit testing of all modules and system testing for complete project. Developed Indian Meteorological Department???s Hand Held Data logger, Synoptic Observation Software, Synoptic Server Software and Technical Section Software for Surface Instruments observatory Project. Websites: Designed innovative and user friendly user interfaces to allow observer to enter the surface observation data at synoptic hours. Developed algorithms, computer programs and written codes in C++ for Surface instruments observatory project. Generated test cases and performed unit testing of all modules and system testing for the complete project. Maintained documentation and training materials for HHDL, SOS, SSS and TSS. Participated in training and workshops for implementation of the project all over india. Computer Research Scientist 5 th May, 2015 / 5 th May, 2016 ARID, SAMEER (R&D of MEITY, Govt of India) Mumbai, Maharashtra Developed RADAR Data Acquisition software to collect the weather data and store it in RADAR and to download data from RADAR to PC and working on Radar Control and maintenance Software, Radar Data Analysis and Display Software. Websites: Designed innovative and user friendly user interfaces to acquire weather data using RADAR data acquis