I am a BS in Computer Science at University of Maryland and based in Dallas, Texas I have 5 years building web and mobile applications from design to development. I will build you an app that will last you a very long time. You want a developer that can not only give you the best, but can also be the safest bet using a high quality workflow described below. My branding and design workflow includes Photoshop, Illustrator, Sketch, and Zeplin. I make sure stakeholders approve of branding strategy before starting a prototype. My prototyping and collaboration workflow includes Invision, Framer, and Trello. I make sure stakeholders approve of high fidelity interactive prototype before starting development. My app development workflow includes React, React Native, Firebase, Parse, GraphQL, and Node.js. I make sure an alpha test is made as soon as possible so I can get feedback with stakeholders and then beta test with invited testers. My testing workflow includes Jest, Enzyme, Mocha, Flowtype, Chai, and Detox. I make sure the app is unit tested and then end-to-end tested. My version control and deployment workflow includes Git, Heroku, Code Push, Fastlane, and Buddybuild. You can hire me for my individual skills. If you need more services, such as strategy, content marketing, and video production, you can hire my team.