Full stack senior software engineer with broad experience in writing software, along with great documentation and solid engineering process. I am particularly interested in web-based application’s backend development and the security of the applications/systems. Specialties: LAMP / MAMP Stack, PHP (Symfony2, Codeigniter, CakePHP), C / C++, Perl (Mojolicious, DBIx), Python, Ruby on Rails, Java EE, Adobe ColdFusion, Android App Development, ElasticSearch, Redis, RDBMS (MySQL, PostgreSQL), SOAP and REST API Development, Javascripts (JQuery, Prototypes), Unit and Automatic Testing (PHPUnit, Behat, Rspec, Capybara), Template Engine (Smarty, Twig, TT2), Version Control (Github, SVN), UML Design, JIRA Project Management tools, Software Development Methodology (Scrum, Kanban).