I can develop php Laravel applications with fully frontend backend functionality i can develop ecommerce system with payment gateways I can also develop Api for mobile applications and also integrate api.
My technical skills:
- PHP (I'm using OOP, Design Patters, KISS, DRY and SOLID principles and following PSR Coding Standard)
- Database: MySQL, MariaDB
- Frameworks: Laravel, Yii, CodeIgniter, CakePHP
- I have experience with BigCommerce API, Shopify API, Xero API, AWS services and many other
- CMS and CRM: ActiveCollab, CsCart, Bitrix
- Frontend: JavaScript (jQuery, jQuery UI, Bootsrap, VueJs). HTML5, XHTML, CSS3 + Bootstrap.
- Other: Bash Scripting, RabbitMQ
- Version control: git