LAMPPhpRuby on RailsMobile AppsiOSAndroidMySqlDrupalWordPressMagentoJoomlaCS-CartOpenCartBigCommercePayPalVolusionShopifyOnline Payment GatewayseCommerce Consulting I am a motivated & passionate Web Developer with 13 years experience in Php, RoR, CMS, LAMP, JQuery, Ajax, HTML5, CSS3 technologies to name a few. I am excellent at developing and maintaining client/server applications. I am hard-working and a fast programmer with good communication skills and a strong UI design skill.My expertise in web development areas are listed below.# Web development: Php, Ruby on Rails, WordPress, Drupal, Joomla, PrestaShop, Magento, Shopify, Volusion, CMS, HTML5# Microsoft SharePoint (Design & development), .NET# Web Service, Ajax, XML, JSON, RSS, SOAP, WSDL# Databases: MySQL, MSSQL, SQLite, MongoDB, PostgreSQL# Frameworks: CodeIgniter, CakePhp, Zend, Yii# Web design, Mobile Sites, Adobe PhotoShop, Illustrator, CSS, JQuery, JQuery Mobile, XML# Twitter Bootstrap, FaceBook development# Go