PHP, MySQL, Javascript, AJAX,jQuery,HTML,CSS,Web Development,Web Design,Web Programming,Web Services,Google Maps,osCommerce 8 years PHP professionally and 1 years on a training level experience, I've many skills in the web development, LAMP, web designing, system management, system administrator & PHP frameworks and content management,Joomla,Drupal,yahoo,gmail,facebook OAuth API .I can deal with both mainstream PHP frameworks and custom built frameworks as well process base php. Finally, I can work with both imperative and object oriented PHP, Payment gateway,and understands the differences in PHP3, PHP 4,PHP 5 and MYSQL.LAMP stack management includes installation of Apache, MySQL,and PHP, external module installation and package.I can handle virtual hosting, mod_rewrite, basic experience in lighted http. In MySQL, I've done basic installation and dealt with a master / slave setup. I understand the principles of database design like normalization,RDBMS when setting up database