Experience Counts. Middleton Technologies Web Design counts with an extensive team of highly capable designers, graphical artists, web developers and programmers. Being a custom-creative website company puts us in the beneficial position of dealing with hundreds of customers with different personal tastes, goals, and visions for their sites. This small detail alone allows us insights on a variety of industries, on what you might expect to accomplish and what can we do to help you get there. A picture is worth 1000 words. Cheap websites are everywhere- they come and go, there one day, gone the next, and if you've ever dealt with them, you know how confusing, frustrating and intimidating it can be. When a potential client visits your site, you have from 3 to 10 seconds to grab their attention, before they go back and start looking for someone new. To succeed in an evolving, dynamic web marketplace, you need a truly dynamic, captivating design to draw your clients in and keep them in! This is where we come in. Our team of professional designers will give you a website that is both easy to use and visually enticing, while making sure you won't break the bank. We are affordable, not cheap.