Hello, My name is Gurpreet Kaur. I have 2 year and 7 months experience in PHP. During this time, worked on php frameworks like Laravel and Cakephp ,Wordpress, AngularJS, JavaScript/Jquery. I am a full stack(Back end and Front end ) Developer. Along with this, I have good knowledge of HTML5 , CSS, Javascipt/jquery and AngularJS. I have used several HTML5 features in my projects like SSE(Server Sent Event), Web Workers etc. I have good knowledge of git also. Code is synced to git on daily basis.I am part of the core product team of www.drawtopic.in . Some Best Projects Developed In FrameWorks & I can show where and how I have used AngularJS: 1. www.drawtopic.in (In Laravel and AngularJS) 2. www.doers.online (CakePHP and AngularJS). 3. www.meet.direct (Laravel 5.2 and Jquery, Soon will be upgraded to AngularJs). There are some Other projects that I have created in different frameworks: 2. http://www.tributeslides.com/ 3. http://www.patient4u.com/ 4. http://celloelectronics.com/ 5. http://www.tweetmoney.com/ I have handled handled these projects at front-end as well as back-end. There are Several Responsive designs that I have integrated in serveral FrameWorks. I Can do this job for you Thanks,