With over more then 8 years of experience in MEAN Stack and LAMP development, I am PERFECT for your Contracts / Projects. I am specialised in building websites and product development. I have been working on Web Application Development using various technologies like HapiJS, CodeIgnitor, Magento (v1.9), Angular (v1.5, v2.x, v4.x) and other NodeJS, PHP and open source technologies. My expertise is into develop Web Products or Ideas or other Complex Web Applications. Tools and Systems: I have used SVN, Git, Google Analytic, Firebug, Mail Chimp, Zendesk, WordPress, AWS and others. My experienced in technologies - - MEAN Stack - NodeJS (Versions: 6.x, 7.x, 8.x, 9.x) - LAMP Stack - PHP - Others - AWS (S3, EC2, RDS) - Symfony (v1.4) - Python (v2.7) - HTML5 - CSS3 - Javascript (ES5, ES6) - Firebase - Payment Gateway Integration - Magneto (v1.9) - Wordpress - CodeIgnitor