My main focus on web technologies like HTml5, CSS, Bootstrap, JavaScript, Jquery and for backend use frame MVC 5 ( also use MySQL for databases. The projects that I had done. I can also convert PSD files into responsive web pages by using HTML, CSS, bootstrap, and JavaScript. AVNUEFASHIN (an e-commerce site for garments for both men and women stock) develop on html5, CSS, bootstrap, JavaScript and jquery. Cricket match reservation system (C++ and basic oop implemented) Hotel management system|(The language used in is C++ ) Tic Tac Toe (Game on windows form application) by using c# scripting. #programmig #web #c++ #html #javascript #MySql #Writting #python #django #content writting #framework #freelancer #fashion #video #adobe #visual studio #mangodb #jquery #reactjs #tenserflow