Greetings. I have about 6 years of experience in Web Development (PHP, Javascript\Typescript, HTML\CSS, ). As for backend - my main language is PHP. Worked mostly with Yii2 projects, now switching to Symfony4. Also, have some experience with Laravel and Node.js (express). As a frontend developer working mostly with Angular and pure HTML\CSS\JQuery\JS. Have experience with next libraries\frameworks: JQuery, Bootstrap (3\4), Materialize.css, Angular Material, NGRX, Gulp, AngularJS\Ionic. My main datastorgae to use is MySQL. Also, I've worked a bit with PostgreSQL, SQLite and NoSQL solutions like MongoDB, ElasticSearch, Redis. Have experience with different 3d party API and payment systems integrations like PayPal, Stripe. Used as servers Ubuntu, CentOS (Apache\NGINX). Working with Git (BitBucket\GitHub), Asana, Trello and Docker.