Hello, I am a web developer with more than 10 years of experience. I am highly qualified in front-end and back-end development.
I have ~3 years of Ruby on Rails experience, it was a full time remote job position for SSL.com:
Ruby on Rails + React web development of a project with SSL digital signatures
(app.esigner.com), where you can upload and manage documents, draw signatures,
paste QR codes, names, dates, content field blocks and eSeal it as a signed contract
finally trusted by SSL.com.
It was this list of technologies in use: Virtual Stack (virtualbox, linux), queue providers
(sidekiq), websockets (ActiveCable), databases (MySQL 8-based ActiveRecord with
migrations and indexes, token encryption, own additional security filtration), rake
scripts (from lib/tasks), cache system (Redis), files (ActiveStorage + own additional
encryption, HexaPDF generation), other libs (Rmagic, RQRcode, etc).
The project has lots of API queries to their main app to take certificates or eSeal a
document. It was BEARER OAUTH2 way to log in via their main SSL.com website, so
Devise callbacks had been in use with own tokens structure for sessions.
I've developed my own gem during the job process to detect a dark background area by
coordinates based on luminance W3 standards: https://rubygems.org/gems/is_dark
(uses some maths to invert a signature to a white one over dark areas)
I've been involved into their front-end React development too, it was with
dispatch/reducer logic, LocalStorage, AJAX requests to the RoR back-end part. React
uses different components like React-pdf or vector signature drawing, Drag&Drop
functionality, etc. Some pages have had basic Rails view templates with a pure js code
without frameworks.
It was an experience to have Rspec tests and Jest tests for React. Lots of refactoring
and optimization all the time, I've done even a Slack App to manage SSL certificates
during the project. I've learned a lot from a team of highly professional persons
I have a lot of other skills and job positions, you can find an additional info about full my experience in my CV here: https://butteff.ru/cv.pdf or you can review my website to find social network list and a full skills list, that I have: https://butteff.ru/en/