- Building a Website Someone could say, "I have Created a Page on Facebook. However, it is necessary and a Web Page?" Everything that happens on the internet and is implemented properly always helps. Facebook is a social networking site that its purpose is to allow internet users to relax, have fun and kill some time. Not to shop and compare services. The extra prestige and style that a website adds to a firm does not compare to a Facebook page. - Developing Responsive Sites - Dealing with SEO - Technologies we use when developing 1. Websites can be built on custom platforms, Joomla, Worpdress or other depending on the needs. 2. Web applications can be built on PHP Symfony framework or PYTHON Django framework. 3. e-Shops can be built on Magento or Prestashops platforms. 4. Front End design is based on HTML5,CSS3,JQUERY and Bootstrap in most of the cases.