Hello, my name is Vedant,
I am well-versed with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript along with frameworks like ReactJS for frontend. I have also worked with Angular. I have gained a lot of experience in web development by developing a lot of projects and doing internships and providing services to clients.
My UI and designing skills have been admired by my colleagues and my previous clients, [u can have a look at my projects (mentioned below ⬇️)].
I can develop web pages to match the generated designs to make them as identical as possible as well as developing the pages without any pre-defined designs. My previous clients they were pretty happy and satisfied with what they had hoped for and what they received in the end.
I am looking for a project to work on parallelly with my studies as a side hustle.
Some of my projects:
- http://le-mieux-website.herokuapp.com/
- meter-down.herokuapp.com
For clients:
- perchfurnitures.in
- auto-dl.tech
Thank you for taking the time to read this.