1. Shikshaa Edutech-eLearning PlatformBrief Introduction: Shikshaa Edutech has developed a complete elearning platform using moodle framework. Shikshaa Edutech Ltd wanted a comprehensive registration process, New Question Types, Comprehensive Assessment, and New Reports in moodle. For this platform we have added the following modules:a) New Question Types, like Matrix Match one-many, Comprehensive are added. In the exam taking process the grading logic is put for these new question types. Rendering for the new question types in exam taking process is also done.b) Attendance of students and sending SMS to the absentees.The teachers enter the attendance details, and then can send SMS also. c) Registration for online courses, class room programs and test courses.The admin creates courses with types like class course, online etc. Admin can also create free courses where students can do the enrolment without going thru payment gateway. Once the Email is validated the students will have acce