-Web Development project: ASP site including software demos (Flash), eCommerce/software downloads, graphic design, fully automated site.
-Database Project: PHP/MySQL Prospect/Client database including logins, contact information, listing by salesperson, add/edit/delete functions, call log.
-eCommerce Site: Perl driven site includes customer feedback in product listings, featured products, uses data from commercial shopping cart package to display products and product listings in various ways. SSL, shopping cart integration.
-Music Site: Flash is used to stream music on a server without streaming media capabilities. Graphics, Flash opener, layout, photo manipulation/enhancement.
-University site: uses Flash to show map layers, points of interest, and specific data points of botanical garden. Visitor can layer views by clicking a menu, for example, can view path system over topology, or points of interest over path system. Graphic design, photo enhancement.
-Non-profit org