With my design and development experience, I am truly a "jack of all trades", but my expertise is front-end development with CSS and Javascript.
Most recently I worked as a front-end developer for e-commerce juggernaut Digital River. I skillfully implemented XHTML strict, tableless layouts with CSS for online technology stores including NVIDIA, Skype, SanDisk, ATI, Microsoft, Lexmark, and Logitech. These e-commerce sites also required extensive knowledge of JSP, ASP, and .NET.
During that time, I also completed a few front-end development jobs for 2Advanced Studios. These included projects for Newport Corporation, Bayer Diabetes, and Pamela James.
Prior to my work with Digital River, I was the webmaster for a small marketing company, Signs & Shapes International. There I designed and developed several websites using Flash, CSS, Javascript, PHP, and MySQL. With my design and development experience, I am truly a "jack of all
trades", but my expertise is XHTML strict, tabl