Two of our many projects:SOC Monkey:Rapid7 worked with Elyxor to create a unique application for security professionals to keep up to date on security threats and news. SOC Monkey gets up-to-the-minute feeds of the most important and valuable security news, trends and discussions. SOC Monkey uses an intelligent algorithm, based on news velocity and source credibility, to curate news and updates from the security community using Twitter. Never be left in the dark!Tikatok App: Tikatok, a division of Barnes and Noble (B&N), is an online e-commerce site where children ages 6+ can create, publish, and share or sell their own books as well as buy books by other kids. B&N engaged Elyxor to design and build a mobile version of Tikatok for the B&N flagship NOOKcolor platform (Android). This was a high-visibility project used to advertise the then- new NOOK app store that launched in early 2011.Elyxor’s design team created custom illustrations and animations, new branding and g