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Programming & Development

Web Development

$50/hr Starting at $500

krittermedia is an Internet Rich Media Development and Design company that builds customized database driven and component based Rich Media Applications. We have developed an expertise in Content Management Systems, Online Publishing, Online Advertising and E-Commerce. As for technology, we make use of open source tools such as; wordpress, per-hypertex processing (.php) and MySql. As well as propriatory tools like; Cold Fusion(.cfm), Active Server Pages (.asp), Flash/Actionscript (.swf), Flash Video (.flv), JavaServer Pages (.jsp), Java Servlets, and SQL databases (MS SQL, Oracle, etc.), in environments such as Linux, Apache, Tomcats, JBoss, Windows IIS, and BEA Weblogic. We partner with consulting firms, design studios, advertising agencies, marketing groups, and programers to bring you the skills you need to complete your project on time, on budget.


$50/hr Ongoing

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krittermedia is an Internet Rich Media Development and Design company that builds customized database driven and component based Rich Media Applications. We have developed an expertise in Content Management Systems, Online Publishing, Online Advertising and E-Commerce. As for technology, we make use of open source tools such as; wordpress, per-hypertex processing (.php) and MySql. As well as propriatory tools like; Cold Fusion(.cfm), Active Server Pages (.asp), Flash/Actionscript (.swf), Flash Video (.flv), JavaServer Pages (.jsp), Java Servlets, and SQL databases (MS SQL, Oracle, etc.), in environments such as Linux, Apache, Tomcats, JBoss, Windows IIS, and BEA Weblogic. We partner with consulting firms, design studios, advertising agencies, marketing groups, and programers to bring you the skills you need to complete your project on time, on budget.

Skills & Expertise

Adobe FireworksApacheASPBeosCSSDHTMLDosFlashFramemakerFrontpageHTMLIisJavaJava ServletsJavaScriptJSPLinuxLotus NotesMs OfficeMySQLOraclePHPWebLogicWindows 95/98XML

1 Reviews

  • David_Grace says,

    Jeff has it all. He combines high level technical skills, a very nice manor, professional attitude and good time keeping with a genuine concern for getting the job done right. If everyone I worked with was as good as Jeff my business life would sure be a lot easier.

    for Fusebox / PHP site updates and upgrades on Jun 15, 2006