I began my web and IT career since 2000, and now it's more than 20 years. Within this long period of time I have developed my expertise foundation along with my experiences in web development of all kinds, I have designed and developed hundreds of websites and web applications for commercial corporations, my own businesses, my scientific researches and my private life on the web and therefore I am able to do whatever you'd like me to do. I am self-employed over that period of time, therefore I am familiar with all aspects of web and IT development, from the very beginning of development environment settings upto the final stage of operations of whatever you want me to make - a standalone app, a web app or some pieces of codes in the mainstream languages. I will not specify the details of my capacity, because it is too difficult to tell in a short text. My learning and adaptation ability is amazing, and at my age, you can never imagine a man learning still like a teenager, or even much fatser and better. Believe me or not, just have some trials. Let's start right now! Coding is fun, life is also fun, isn't it?
Here below are some of the websites which I am developing for my business, personal uses and career, among others.
For more info please refer to the following sites:
http://mothermemorials.eu.org/ (suspended)
Personal sites at different phases with different styles
http://markchen.eu3.org/ (archived)
http://markchen.is-great.org (Chinese)
https://worldsoft998.github.io/ (archived)
https://markchen9999.000webhostapp.com/ (archived)
IC & IP Core Industry Portal under Development
My IC expertise
http://angeliamodem.eu.org/ (archived)
Satellite Broadband Internet Consulting & Related Modem IP Cores Design
http://www.angelia.int.eu.org/ (archived)
http://plutus.eu.org/ (suspended)
http://plutus.is-great.net/ (Chinese, suspended)
Many many more …