Hi all, we are great web-development team from Togliatti, Russia. Our team is looking for interesting projects and we can offer you very fast as well as cheap development. We can make any of your projects. Some of our best projects include Arriva.ru and Carobka.ru (more than 10,000,000 page views per month). So we know how to develop huge and high-load projects. There are 11 developers with various levels of expertise in our team. Every day we work with technologies such as: Python(3 or 2.7), Django / Flask, Reddis, Memcached, PostgreSQL / mySQL / sqlite / mongoDB / noSQL / SQL, Tornado, RabbitMQ, of course HTML, CSS(LESS/SASS), Bootstrap, JS(jQuery / angularjs), Celery, ElasticSearch / Sphinx, Git + Jenkins, nginx + uwsgi For us this is usually to: work with APIs(any); use CI and Agile in our work; make code reviews; integrate with payment systems(PayPal, Skrill and others); DevOps(Linux, Debian/Ubuntu), use vagrant; administrate highload systems of servers. We can(but don’t necessarily, not prefer to) work with PHP(Symphony/Wordpress/etc). We don't usually work with (unfortunately we don’t have many finished projects but will still make an attempt): backbone, react, Meteor.js, vanillajs and others; nodejs; BEM; Ruby and ROR, Scala, Laravel. Also we don’t like Apache(prefer nginx). So in sum, we are looking for a project of anytime and of any level of difficulty. Give us try. You will be pleasantly surprised with our productivity. By hiring our development team, you will be saving double or even triple in cost without sacrificing any quality. Give us a try! DEV.DJANGO@YA.RU, http://dline-usa.com