I transform ideas into online products that people use and appreciate. I'm passionate about hands-on exploration of website designing and development for online users. I tend to build quick mock-ups and prototypes and utilize my designing and developing skills, while generating concepts and following details for its realization. I've experience in collaborating with developers and designers in order to assure the realization of the final website. My website design expertise includes concept/idea exploration and designing as well as responsiveness of website using bootstrap and CSS skills with back-end development tools like PHP, JavaScript and Ajax. I listen to my client's needs carefully and start with asking the right questions that usually reveals many opportunities as well as many design constraints. I prefer working with iterations and always present alternative solutions and styles for each iteration so that the clients can easily give feedback. I've Bachelor of Engineering degree in computer engineering. Before going independent as a freelancer, i worked as a web developer for 3 years in a software house for professional users. Simultaneously i studied my M.S. thesis in which i focused on developing and designing Artificial intelligence based websites for better user experience. The following are some of the main skills that i can use for our design and develop process: - Concept Exploration and development - Designing Languages (CSS, Bootstrap, Plugins etc.) - Developing Languages (PHP, JavaScript, Ajax, Jquery etc.) - Website Creation Tools (WordPress, Laravel, Codeigniter etc.)