Directory for Self-Organizing Collectives & Communities; In most municipality there is no central location to get various information about the town or the area and I believe our directory architecture and technology will be a key component to connecting residents and visitors with businesses, services and amenities of the town and has a huge potential for facilitating all kinds of connections and increasing commerce within the community and beyond. In addition we will offer online courses, community forums, digital art sales, self-help, fund raising for non-profit organizations and more. We have also created a system for a local exchange based on a digital token system to greatly facilitate local bartering. With a thorough online directory with a “multi-vendor marketplace”, people will be able to work from home and offer a pick up service or a delivery service without having to rent separate premises. I firmly believe that our directory architecture is the single most significant addition to any town or community because it will greatly facilitate access to all the information from all the providers and community services and amenities and improve efficiency and satisfaction in many areas of daily life for everyone. My knowledge and experience As an expert Web Architect for 20 years, I have built up a repertoire of innovative revenue sources and functionalities for Web Directories. I am the only such agency I know of offering such an exhaustive list of revenues for Directories or large Web Portals in the World. This list has been compiled over 12 years and would costs you 10s of thousands of dollars in time to research and compile yourself. We have devised an innovative architecture and platform to facilitate a multivendor marketplace environment, which is ideal for Community directories. We have not seen any other directory in the world using this methodology.