I'm a Web / Mobile Application Developer with excellent knowledge in React Js, Next Js, React Native, Expo, State management, Tailwind, API integration, Push Notifications, QR Scanning, Linking with WhatsApp, Make Phone calls, etc. I have been using and learning about these technologies for nearly 3 years. I have helped on building real-life mobile applications like https://apps.apple.com/al/app/hdc-express/id1542798575 (CRM for a shipping company), https://apps.apple.com/al/app/sht%C3%ABpia-ime/id1167470304 (a real estate application for Raiffeisen bank), sushi ordering app (development stopped due owner problems) and web applications like https://shtepiaime.al/?lng=en, http://savatours.com/, https://outdoor.al/ and other using the technologies I mentioned above.
For frameworks, I have used more Next Js and React Js.
For libraries, I have used:
Tailwind CSS, NativeBase, Material UI, UI Kitten, React Bootstrap, Antd for styling,
Redux, React-Redux, Recoil for state management,
socket.io, ably ( I know the basics of ably ) for sockets and live updates of the data,
Axios, React Query, SWR for handling HTTP requests,
GitHub, Bitbucket, and Gitlab for code management,
Eslint and Jest ( have touched both very briefly ) for testing.
Thank you,
Elian Rruga