University of Texas HEalth Science center
Currently developing Skill tracking software in Cold fusion.
Scope of the project was to Provide Health Science students a secure Web Space where they can Add/Delete/Modify/View the Skills attained during the studies, and could send those skills to the Instructors for Review/comment/grade and get back the Results, This project was divided into three Scopes and those were Administrative/Student/Secretarial.
Povided Front End with extensive use of Cold fusion markup language, html and java script.
This software is capable of generating reports. Web interface for student so that they can Add, View, modify skills gained in different courses and server side e-mail to instructors.
Administration portion where Instructors can perform different tasks concerning student records,
Working on Web Based survey Forms. Features provided automated server side email using CGI/PERL or Cold fusion server.
Data Base connectivit