EXIM Bank Application Re-Engineering Project at Satyam Computer Services Ltd . ( India)
Client: Export Import Bank of India
EXIM bank maintains several stand-alone software systems to support the local needs of various departments. This is a full life cycle re-engineering project that aims to provide a centralized solution. It uses component based client/server architecture to:
·Integrate various operating groups with the Accounting group for a better MIS system
·Capturing and maintaining data at a central location
·Providing OLTP functionality to end-users and reporting the data related to their requirements
·Perform multi-fund and multi-currency operations
·Designed, and implemented several core financial modules such as Coordination, Planning, General-Ledger and Voucher modules.
·Coordinated data migration strategy and implementation of the system at client site.
Environment: Visual Basic 6.0,Oracle 8i, Active-X, Active Report, Crystal Report, Win 2000