I worked as a Lingo Programmer for a small company who was hired to re-animate and re-program an interactive training program for a company. It was very challenging to program, with Lingo, certain "game-like" features that would quiz and challenge the user in ordre to determine if they got the lesson or not. I have been a studying artist all my life, but what sets me apart from the others is my realistic, techinical understanding of projects and needs. I graduated from the University of Denver with a BA in Digital Media Studies -- the marriage of Art and Technology. This gives me the background and insight I need on projects, technical specifications, and goals that other artists may miss, and it has allowed me to walk and talk the fine line between technical programming and graphic art and design.
I pride myself on my professionalism and ability to see the project as a whole, not just the small piece my eyes are currently on. If you need artist talent to be implimented into