I specialize in creating custom standalone and web-based applications for a wide range of industries.
I have over 20 years of software development experience. I was involved in several startups throughout the 90s and early 2000s, and am currently a part-time contractor for one of the top 10 Fortune companies. I was also a senior systems administrator and IT manager for a regional Internet services and web hosting provider.
I am a U.S. citizen, and can correspond in English via phone or email. (I am also a technical writer with patent writing experience).
Currently (January 2012), I mostly have my feet wet in:
- C++/ Qt-based (Windows/Mac/Linux) standalone applications for a federal research center
- Web backend development (PHP/MySQL/etc.) for a family of adult-oriented websites
- Java/Websphere development of custom modules for a large federal government project
- Android, HTML5, and Facebook apps I have over 20 years of software development experience, with a wide