Versatile technology professional specializing in Content Management and Portal systems design, development (Perl, J2EE, PHP, SQL) and integration.
Unique ability to collaborate effectively both with developers and non-technical end users in requirements gathering, project strategizing and cross training.
Ability to code clean and clear Perl, XML, Java, PHP and SQL code. Extensive full-lifecycle project experience. Consistent project successes and a high degree of customer satisfaction.
Technology Lead Developer and Administrator on Enterprise-level solutions for IBM Global Services, McKinsey & Co., The New York City Government, The New Jersey State Government, PhilipMorris USA, Gerber Foods and RGA Interactive.
Key Strategist, International Offices Liaison and Lead Developer for a $10,000,000 global redesign, re-branding and Content Management implementation for McKinsey & Company.
Linux, Apache, PHP, MySQL (LAMP) developer and administrator for a small-business ho