You have a great looking web site, but you have noticed it simply is not fast enough. Page load times are too high and you are not sure what to do about it. I have been speeding up web sites for 20 years! When you test your speed over at, PageSpeed and/or yslow grades your web site awful. Worst, are the reasons given to you. What does it all mean and how are you going to fix things? No worries, may the problem be javascript, CSS blocking the page load, or too many requests, I can fix it. I have seen it all. Maybe a CDN will help? Most issues are page related, but I will tune your web site based on what it is (Wordpress, eCommerce, custom). Google has stated clearly that the speed of your web site effects user experience. If your web site is slow, then it WILL effect your organic search rankings. I have been doing great web development for 20 years. While technology has changed over this time, the personal service I provide has not. I look at every project as an opportunity to form a new relationship where you want me for future needs. I have to earn this. I want to help make you successful.