- Knowledge of Windows servers and desktop products: Windows NT,2000,XP,Vista,7,2000 Server,2003 Server, 2008 Server & R2, 2012 Server & R2, Linux(basic knowledge) - Advanced Knowledge of virtualization Systems: Hyper-V, VMWare - Advanced Knowledge of remote Application Systems: Citrix, Microsoft RemoteApps - Knowledge of security Systems: ISA 2000, ISA 2004, TMG 2010, Cisco Pix Firewall. - Knowledge of Mail Systems: Exchange 2003, 2007, 2010 - Ability to manage a large network including firewalls and support networks. - Knowledge of Databases: SQL Server 7-2000-2005-2008-2012, Access, Oracle (basic Knowledge) - Programming Languages: Visual Basic, ASP, HTML, VB.NET, ASP.NET, (JavaScript, PHP, C, C++, and Java- Basic Knowledge). - Reports Editors: Crystal Reports, SQL Reporting, Visual Studio Data Reports. - Cisco Switches and IP Telephony. - Good Experience with the majority of Microsoft services.