If you manually collect information in hundred-thousands records or even millions of record by doing browsing one by one (surfing in internet) than you will need time of months or perhaps 1 year (depends on what kind information you are looking for). Definitely it will take time too long whereas you have to make-money (selling) and earn money soon enough for avoiding over-pay operational-budgets (food, electricity, internet, salary of your employees, rent-space, etc).If you find apart of a website where contains informations you need to have, please order our service. We can webscrape any data you want to have (webscrape) and put them into document-format you need (xlsx, ods, etc).We can also help you to scrape your soft-documents (doc, pdf, xlsx, ods etc) and generate new files those contain& nbsp; them.We have developed a special-application by Python (with BeautifulSoap, Numpy, Panda, SciKit, etc) and it can accelerate collecting the data and process or extracting each data into useful information and also all of the information should be generated into spreadsheet-format or CSV or any other-formats. And they are for you usefully selling your stuffs or services.