I am a highly experienced web developer and designer with extensive experience in Content Management Systems (e.g. Wordpress), landing pages and static html websites. I have always given my 100% to every project I have been assigned and this has led me to gain experience leading a team into the development and designing of an extensive Wordpress site. I love working in a team in order to come up with something truly amazing for my clients. The following is a brief overview of my skills set: - Website Development: I can develop both static and responsive web pages and complete websites according to the needs and requirements of my client. Be it a one-page responsive website marketing a certain product or a blogging website - I can do it all! - Landing Page/Coming Soon Page: These are great for marketing a product that will be released soon. I promise to provide you with the most comprehensively beautiful designs that bring out the best in your product. - Wordpress set-up + Development + Migration + Backup: Working with Wordpress since a very long time has made me an expert with the dos and donts of Wordpress. From setting up a new Wordpress site to migrating/duplicating/backing up your site - you name it, I have it! - HTML, CSS3: Having extensive knowledge of these two helps me fix errors/bugs/glitches and even add/modify functionality in your site in as little time as possible.