I am a full stack web specialist with 11+ years of experience in Microsoft ASP.NET MVC, AngularJS, Sitecore, SharePoint, Windows Azure Cloud Platform, Responsive UI Bootstrap, HTML5 etc. I have completed 80+ project out of which 15+ internal projects of Microsoft Corporation. I am Microsoft SharePoint certified developer as well as Sitecore certified developer. I am a new full-time expert developer in freelancing world :) I am good at ASP.NET MVC, MMVM, SPA, SOA, C#.NET, CRM, CMS, Microsoft SharePoint Online (Office 365), Microsoft Windows Azure, Sitecore 8.x, , HTML5, CSS3, jQuery, AngularJS, KnockoutJS, NodeJS, Azure SQL, DynamoDB, Amazon Web Services, Amazon DocumentDB. I am flexible with my working hours; I am ready to work with your existing freelancers if any. It's primarily for me to build relationships with clients, more important to build long term relationships. I look forward to hearing from you!