I have worked extensively on wordpress website design and development. Please see below one of the latest websites I have developed. 1) Orion Labs https://www.orionlabs.io/ The theme for this website, is customized as per the client's requirement. 2) NGO Website The client required a data entry screen which would be absolutely user friendly and at the same would take care of all necessary validations. Over 50 fields had to be put into the screen keeping in mind that there should be minimal complexity. Keeping in mind security of the website, a login form was developed .Each user has a unique login id and password. Once logged in they can enter the data. All validations are taken care of i.e. blank field, field length etc. The data entered was captured into a custom data in a MYSQL database. SQL injection was taken care of. All this wad done by using HTML5,Javascript and PHP. Validations have been done at the form level as well as the PHP level before inserting data into the custom table.