We have a separate team of professionals for developing web Applications. Also, we are providing the best solutions and focusing on various industries such as... * Ecommerce Initially we will gather the overall requirement of your project to analyze and find the solution. Once we have got awarded a project to us, we will start the work as per the below-mentioned phases… Phase 1: In this Phase, we will submit a Proposed Solution Document, which contains a list of tasks that we are going to do in your project. Phase 2: Based on the information gathered, we will determine the look and feel of the site. At this stage, we will create a prototype design for your website, based on your requirements and needs. This graphical concept will be very close to what your final site will look like. We need approval for the design from you as a client at this point before moving on to anything else. Phase 3: Once the design is peer reviewed and approved in an iteration cycle, development for modules in that cycle shall begin. Based on the client's wishes we will show the daily/weekly report of each module in our demo server. We are using the Agile methodology. So the testing will be performed at end of the each module. Phase 4: After the final cycle of design, development shall be carried out, peer-reviewed, system tested, and delivered. Phase 5: 90 days free maintenance after successful completion of the project (except additional / enhancement task).