Employee well-being in the workplace
The work is complex and ever-changing. Which means employee welfare, done well, is not an easy or quick fix. This requires a deep and honest view of your organization, and a continually proactive approach to ever-changing needs.
Wellbeing in the workplace relates to all aspects of working life, from the quality and safety of the physical environment, to how workers feel about their work, the work environment, the climate at work and the organization of work. The goal of workplace welfare measures is to complement occupational health and safety measures to ensure that workers are safe, satisfied, engaged and healthy at work.Workers' welfare is a major factor in determining the long-run success and effectiveness of an organization.
Numerous studies show a direct link between productivity levels and the overall health and well-being of the workforce.Businesses and organizations are increasingly aware of the need to take the welfare of their workers seriously.
The most progressive and successful organizations do this because they understand that their most important resource is their people, their people.
Possible solutions here are effective leadership, communication, and a focus on learning and worker development. These are all things that are essential for anyone who wants to make their company or organization a more decent and satisfying place to be.
It has become fairly common in some industrialized countries, often under the stimulus of legislative measures, to adopt programs targeting specific health problems in the workplace as a complement to traditional safety and health measures, particularly those relating to drug and alcohol use. Recently, there has been a growing trend to develop global health promotion policies by employers and their partners that cover not only drug and alcohol use, but also a whole range of lifestyle issues including smoking, diet, exercise and mental well-being.
Measuring the employee's well-being in his workplace
Studies show that 90% of people think how they feel at work is important. But studies show that few people are happy at work most of the time. What creates well-being at work can look different from person to person, but the way we measure well-being is the same for everyone: increased happiness and less stress combined with contentment and a sense of purpose.
The effect of work well-being on the individual
When we commit to working full time for a company, we commit nearly half of our daily lives to working for that company. Although it is possible to try to isolate a toxic work environment, it is not possible to overlook the way our work affects other areas of our lives. Nearly (86%) of people surveyed about well-being in the workplace stated that happiness at work affects their mood at home.